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A Single Source of Truth: The Key to Organizational Resiliency and Efficiency

March 6, 2019

BoardroomSiloes: they are the bane of organizational resiliency and efficiency, and they are notoriously hard to tear down. Departments that focus on business continuity, IT, disaster recovery, third-party management, and incident management all tend to function independently of one another, even though the intersection of their responsibilities is where organizational resiliency and efficiency live.

But, what if you could have a single source of truth about business data and business processes that could be shared and accessed across departments and disciplines to improve not only recovery and continuity, but overall organizational resiliency and efficiency?

That would go far toward tearing down siloes, wouldn’t it? You would be able to avoid duplicative work, address gaps that create risk, and optimize processes across the enterprise. It’s a beautiful thought … and the good news is, it is possible to achieve.

The fact is, business continuity is uniquely positioned to destroy departmental siloes and improve the alignment of various functional areas. The reason is simple: business continuity’s responsibilities involve a tremendous amount of data collection and analysis. This includes information from business impact assessments, configuration management databases, application impact analyses, technical impact analyses, and other sources. By gathering all this data into one location, business continuity can create an information foundation that can act as a single source of truth for the entire organization. By sharing the data in the information foundation across siloes, business continuity can help diverse business functions work together to optimize organizational resiliency and efficiency.

For real-world examples of the information foundation in action, read our whitepaper Creating the Foundation for Increased Business Resiliency and Efficiency.
