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Developing Strategic Foresight with Scenario Testing

Posted on: September 23, 2021

In today’s highly complex and volatile operating environment, it can feel as though you are holding things together with sticks and strings. There is growing recognition that organizations need to be more resilient, but teams lack a common understanding of how operations hang together. Chasing regulatory program after program, many organizations are guessing on what investments will move the needle. Companies are increasingly looking to scenario design and testing to provide the answers they need in a way they can make actionable.

Leveraging a combined understanding of impact tolerances and a library of severe but plausible scenarios, teams are defining and charting a path to operational excellence. In this webinar, David Halford, VP of Crisis and Continuity, and Chloe Swierzbinski, Senior Manager of Product Marketing, will share insights and strategies that help your team:

  • Create interactive end-to-end models of the delivery of important services and products
  • Understand the impact of severe but plausible events using scenario testing
  • Optimize the resiliency of your operations using the results of continuous assessment