Were you unprepared to respond to the recent CrowdStrike outage? Fusion can help >

Tracey Forbes Rice, MBCI (Honorary)

Senior Vice President, Customer Engagement

Tracey Rice - Fusion Risk Management

With more than 20 years of experience in business continuity, Tracey is an accomplished industry leader and a passionate solutions evangelist who builds relationships with business continuity management leaders in enterprise organizations across the globe. As Senior Vice President of Customer Engagement at Fusion Risk Management, Tracey brings customers together, partnering with them to develop innovative solutions and to achieve new levels of program success. Tracey manages Fusion’s ENGAGE customer community program and speaks regularly at regional, national, and global industry events.

“I believe that business continuity is very unique, where we work together both in and out of crisis. We share experiences, advice, and information to help people, companies, infrastructure, and our world be resilient. That’s really cool!”

Her dedication to the industry shows more than just through her work. Tracey serves on several industry boards and enjoys mentoring and giving back to the community. Tracey was awarded BCI Americas’s 2017, 2018, and 2019 Personality of the Year.


  • Business Continuity Institute (BCI) – Vice Chairperson, US Chapter Content Committee
  • Business Continuity Institute (BCI) Women in Resilience
  • Disaster Recovery Journal (DRJ) – Editorial Advisory Board Member & Chairperson, Career Development
  • Disaster Recovery Journal (DRJ) – Mentor Advisory Board Member
  • Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII) – Mentor, Women in Business Continuity
  • Association of Continuity Professionals (ACP) – Liberty Valley Chapter
  • Philadelphia Network of Women in Careers in Technology (NWCT)


  • BCI World Conference, U.K.
  • Disaster Recovery Journal (DRJ)
  • Continuity Insights
  • Continuity Magazine
  • Business Continuity Institute (BCI)


Email: trice@fusionrm.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/traceyrforbes