Were you unprepared to respond to the recent CrowdStrike outage? Fusion can help >

David Nolan, MBCI (Honorary)

Strategic Advisor and Founder

David Nolan - Fusion Risk Management

With dedication and charisma, David Nolan supports and contributes to product strategy, customer success, corporate development, and company culture. Always keeping in mind that one can only succeed in life by helping others, he places value on culture and character.

David has more than 35 years of experience in technology-related businesses, much of which focused on providing technology, software, and services to help organizations effectively and efficiently manage operational risk. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Villanova University and was awarded with the BCI Gifted Grades MBCI designation in 2015 in recognition of his contributions to the industry.

“My journey started before the beginning. Most people see the upside and energy we have today – only a select few know how incredibly rough our road was, and an epic financial crisis made things unbelievably difficult. The people at Fusion are magical, and I have been blessed and privileged to work with this amazing team who never shrink from a challenge and never cease to surprise to the upside.”

This proud husband, father, and grandfather is passionate about paying it forward, especially when it comes to finding a cure for childhood diseases and providing educational opportunities for those less fortunate. A fun fact about David is his workout and stress reliever of choice is boxing.